Hartshorne Parish Council
Hartshorne Parish Council represents the residents of the parish, including Lower Midway and Goseley Estate. Parish councils are the lowest layer of local government, sitting below district councils (South Derbyshire District Council) and county councils (Derbyshire County Council).
Community Speed Watch
The Parish Council are seeking Parishioners interested in being trained, then taking part in Community Speed Watch. Community Speed Watch is a Police initiative to train members of the Parish in the art of recording and monitoring the speed of vehicles travelling on the roads within the Parish.
If you are interested in taking part and being trained for Community Speed Watch please contact Councillor Kim Coe or Councillor Jim Seaton. Contact details for Cllrs Coe and Seaton can be found on the Council Page of the website, or alternatively email the Parish Clerk.
Parish Council Website
Due to Government requirements for all levels of UK governance websites to be more accessible, the Parish Council have commissioned a new website to meet these obligations.
This site is under constant development, any comments please contact the Parish Clerk.