South Derbyshire District in the County of Derby

Parish Council web site – www.hartshorne.org.uk

            Clerk- Richard Smith

Hartshorne Parish Council

PO Box 8243


DE11 1GE

Mob 07561 446 325

E-mail- hartshornepc@sky.com

1 March 2021


To:       Chairman, Vice Chairman and Members, Hartshorne Parish Council

            Burton Daily Mail

            Derbyshire Library, Swadlincote


Parish Council Meeting


The next meeting of the Parish Council will be on Monday 8 March starting at 7.00 pm via video link (Zoom). Link can be obtained from the Clerk by contacting hartshornepc@sky.com.


 Your attendance is requested.


Yours faithfully

Richard Smith

Clerk & Responsible Officer




Ordinary Parish Meeting



a.     At the start of the meeting a period will be made available for members of the public to ask questions or submit comments to the Parish Councillor's. (Please note only 15 minutes has been allocated)

b.     If the Police Liaison Officer, a County Councillor or District Councillor are in attendance, members will be given the opportunity to raise any relevant matters.


1.     Apologies for Absence.


2.     Any Member to declare an interest.

a.     Under the Parish Councils (Model Code of Conduct) Order 2001 (SI 2001 Number 3576) any member with a personal interest in a matter who attends a meeting of the Authority at which the matter is considered must disclose to that meeting the existence and nature of that interest at the commencement of that consideration, or when the interest becomes apparent.  There are further requirements for members whose interest extends to become a “Prejudicial Interest” within the meaning of the Statutory Instrument.  Councillors must ensure that their “registration of financial and other interests” is up to date.

3.     To confirm the Minutes of the Meeting of the Council held on 8 February 2021 (held via video link). Signing of Minutes will be carried out when Lockdown and other restrictions allow.


To determine which items if any on Part 1 of the Agenda should be taken with the public excluded. 


4.     Police Matters

a.     Sign up for Derbyshire Alert.

b.     Contact details for SNT.

5.     Co-opting of Parish Councillor for Lower Midway Ward – Daniel Stretton.

6.     Clerks Outstanding Action Report to be circulated at the meeting and Financial statement.  (to follow)

a.     Lifting of Covid 19 restrictions and Parish Council controlled properties.

7.     Highways, Pavements and Public Footpaths

8.     Hartshorne’s Parish Web site and newsletter

a.     Email from Councillor Jones re newsletter.

9.     Recreation Grounds and Allotments.

a.     Update on pavilion development at Salisbury Drive

b.     Use of football pitch at Salisbury Drive from 3 April

c.     Tenants for allotments from 1 April 2021

d.     Hedge cutting within the Parish.

10.  Reports from Outside Bodies

11.  Planning Matters



The creation of two new vehicular accesses for maintenance for planting and open space on Land at Broomy Farm, Woodville Road, Hartshorne, DE11 7EX.



Approval of reserved matters (layout, scale, appearance and landscaping) relating to the provision of a parking area for 8 vehicles and the realignment of Woodville footpath 3 (ref SD51/3/1) pursuant to outline permission ref. 9/2016/0882 on Land east of Lincoln Way and Salisbury Drive, Midway, Swadlincote (within Hartshorne PC?



12.  Finance and Administration


March Payments –




In respect of

















Direct Payments






Staff Wages

Salaries/wages for part February and March)






Tax and NI





Water plus

Supply to Church





R Watts

Protective clothing





Water plus

Supply at Goseley recreation ground





1.     Banking Arrangements – Verbal update from Clerk

2.     Outsourscing Payroll –

Following February meeting where it was Resolved to Outsourse Payroll, the Clerk was requested to obtain 3 quotations. The quotations were circulated to all Councillorsfor the observations. All Councillors agreed that the most competitve quote was from SDCVS.

Recommendation that Hartshorne Parish Council use SDCVS for a period of 12 months than reviewed.

(please note that with the new Lengthsman commencing on 15 February and the quotation being accepted by all Councillors the Clerk contact SDCVS with a view to running the Payroll from March 2021.

3.     HSBC – refund of overpaid bank charges

4.     SDDC – Receipt of Concurrent Function allocation


13.  Correspondence


Date of next meeting

Monday 12 April 2021 (meeting by Video link unless circumstances change)