Email: hartshornepc@hartshorne.org.uk


Po Box 8243, Swadlincote, Derbyshire, DE11 1GE


7th February 2022


 To: The Chairman and Members of Hartshorne Parish Council 


 Dear Councillor


You are summoned to attend an Ordinary meeting of Hartshorne Parish Council to be held at 7.00 pm on Monday, 14th February 2022 at 7pm at Hartshorne Cricket Club.


Yours sincerely


A  Barnes


Alison Barnes

Parish Clerk                                                                                                               


1          Public Participation

A period 15 minutes will be made available for members of the public and members of the Council to comment on any matter. The Chairman of the meeting will extend this period if necessary.

2          If the Police Liaison Officer, a County Council or District Council Member is in attendance they will be given the opportunity to raise any relevant matter.

3          Apologies - to receive apologies for absence.

4          Variation of Order of Business.

5          Declaration of Members Interests.

          To enable Members to declare the existence and nature of any Disclosable Pecuniary Interests they have in subsequent agenda items, in accordance with the Parish Council’s Code of Conduct. Interests that become apparent at a later stage in the proceedings may be declared at that time.


6          To confirm the minutes of the meeting of the Council held on 10th January 2022

7          Recreation Grounds:

a.    Minutes of the meeting of the Recreation Working Group 24th January 2022

b.    Proposal quotations in relation to playground inspection and maintenance regime

c.    Provision of goals at Goseley football pitch


8          Action Log and Clerks Report

Internal auditor required


9          Planning Applications.  To consider the following applications, together with any applications notified after the agenda has been sent out:

DMPA/2022/0030 The erection of extension at 132 Repton Road, Hartshorne, Swadlincote

View link HERE


DMPA/2021/0983 Outline application (matters of access to be considered now with matters of layout, scale, appearance and landscaping reserved for later consideration) for the erection of three dwellings at Land to the rear of 69a and 69b, Repton Road, Hartshorne, Swadlincote, DE11 7AF

View link HERE


DMPN/2021/1896 Certificate of Lawfulness for the erection of a single storey rear replacement extension at 6 Truro Close, Midway, Swadlincote

View link HERE


Planning Decisions


10       Highways and Public Footpaths

11       Communications – Website and Newsletter

12       Allotments

13       Finance:

(a)   February payments

SDCVS Clerk and Lengthman salary

Zurich Insurance


14    Date of next meeting