South Derbyshire District in the County of Derby
Monday 15 May 2017
Kendricks Close, Hartshorne
PRESENT - Councillors A Jones (Chair), D Jenkinson, R Bell, Mrs J Slawson, Mrs J Burley, Mrs M Mycock, Mrs K Coe, N Jenkinson,, D Tagg, Mrs S Sharland, Mrs L Vale, P Smith and D West
APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE - Councillors - I Harper and P Redfern
ALSO PRESENT R Smith Clerk to the Parish Council & County Councillor Mrs L Chilton.
1. Election of Chairman and Vice Chairman
a. Councillor D Jenkinson proposed Councillor A Jones as Chairman for the forthcoming year this was seconded by Councillor Mrs M Mycock
b. Councillor P Smith proposed Councillor D Jenkinson as Vice Chairman for the forthcoming year this was seconded Councillor Mr N Jenkinson.
RESOLVED Councillor A Jones is elected Chairman and Councillor D Jenkinson is elected ViceChairman for the forthcoming year.
2. Fix the amount of the Chairmans and Vice Chairmans Allowances.
a. It was proposed by Councillor Mrs M Mycock and seconded by Councillor Mrs K Coe that the allowance for the Chairman is £50.00 and for the Vice Chairman £25.00.
RESOLVED The Chairman have an allowance of £50.00 and Vice-Chairman have an allowance of £25.00 for the forthcoming year financial year.
3. Appointment of Members to serve on Sub-committee of the Parish Council
1. RESOLVED that the Chairman, Vice Chairman, Mrs K Coe, Mrs M Mycock, D West and R Bell are appointed to the Finance Working Group.
RESOLVED that the Chairman, Vice Chairman, Mrs J Slawson, Mrs J Burley, Mrs M Mycock , R Bell and Mrs K Coe are appointed to the Recreation Working Group.
Appointment of Members to serve on Outside bodies.
The following Councillors were elected to represent the Parish Council
a. Highways Forum
b. Environment Forum
c. Parish/ District meeting
d. Safer Neighbourhood Meetings (both Swadlincote and Newhall)
It was agreed that as the above meetings are held infrequently and are open to the public; the Parish Council will ensure that they are represented. e. Board of School Governors no representation.
f. Hartshorne Charities - Councillors D Tagg, Mrs J Burley and Mrs Mycock
g. Dethick Education Foundation Councillors Mrs J Slawson and Mrs K Coe.
h. Goseley Community Centre Councillors R Bell and Mrs J Burley.
Meeting closed at 7.15
2 residents from Manchester Lane.
1. Councillor Mrs K Coe reported that SDDC had announced they are increasing the maximum fine in respect of Dog fouling to £1000.00.
2. Councillor Mrs K Coe reported that she is continuing to talk to the Police about speed watch training. She also expressed her disappointment that the Police had not been seen in the Parish recently.
1. County Councillor Mrs L Chilton announced that following the changes at the County Council the new leading party had abolished the recently introduced Waste Charges at Refuse collection sites.
2. County Councillor Mrs L Chilton was pleased to announced that she had been made Chairman for the forth coming year. The Chairman along with all other Parish Councillors congratulated Linda on this honour.
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MINUTES OF THE Ordinary Meeting on held on Monday 10 April 2017 The minutes were approved as a correct record and signed by the Chairman.
Matter arising None
Any member to declare an interest - I. Councillors D Jenkinson and Mrs K Coe in respect of Dethick Hall under Correspondence re Car Park Manchester Lane. II. Councillor Mrs K Coe in respect of Planning III. Councillors A Jones (Chair), D Jenkinson, R Bell, Mrs J Burley, Mrs M Mycock, Mrs K Coe and D Tagg in respect of Goseley Community Centre.
Items for Exemption. None.
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POLICE MATTERS 1. Following Councillor Mrs Coe's comment under District Councillor Reports about the lack of a Police presence in the area. RESOLVED that the Clerk write to the Police. |
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MATTERS ARISING 1. The Clerk presented a monthly update on all outstanding matters; this is attached to the minutes. 2. The Clerk reported that costings for defibrillators would be £1200.00 (inc VAT) each. Councillor Mrs Coe agreed to do training free of charge. RESOLVED that 2 defibrillator be installed at the Rodney and Goseley Community. Further considerations to be considered about a 3rd defibrillator to be installed in the Lower Midway area.
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HIGHWAYS, PAVEMENTS & PUBLIC FOOTPATHS 1. Concerns were expressed about the state of repair of Brook Street, Kendricks Close, Church Street and Slack Lane. |
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PARISH NEWSLETTER AND WEBSITE 1. Councillor N Jenkinson reported that the newsletter was delivered to all households in the area in April. 2. The Chairman thanked Councillor N Jenkinson for all his hard work in preparing the newsletter and all Parish Councillors who distributed them.
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RECREATION GROUNDS & ALLOTMENTS 1. Councillors if the JKW had now been cleared on Salisbury Drive. The Clerk said that treatment had finished about a year ago and it appears it has not returned, however the area will continue to be inspected. 2. In view of recent undertakings on the Recreation grounds it was agreed to hold a Recreation meeting on 22 May. |
3. The Clerk reported that he had asked PA Forestry to clear the brambles at the rear of 33 Salisbury Drive as he had received several complaints from residents and SDDC. He had also asked them to clear the footpath at the rear of Kendricks Close.
RESOLVED that the work be carried out as a matter of urgency
4. The Clerk also reported that the waste bin near to the MUGA on Salisbury Drive had been damaged RESOLVED that a replacement is sought.
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REPORTS FROM OUTSIDE BODIES 1. Councillors informed the meeting that the newly formed GAP had been making great progress. 2. The Hartshorne Charities were due to meet on 18 May. 3. The Lee Wood Residents Association informed that a temporary TPO had now been made permanent
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Application Ref. |
9/2017/0431 |
Proposed Development |
DE11 7ER |
The Parish Council would like assurances that the dwelling remains agricultural/forestry.
Application Ref. |
9/2017/0392 |
Proposed Development |
DE11 7ET |
No Comments
Application Ref. |
9/2017/0342 |
Proposed Development |
DE11 7BE |
Hartshorne Parish Council objects to the above planning application for the following reasons:-
1. Inconsistent with local plan and national planning requirements - A core principle of the NPPF is that planning should recognise the intrinsic character and beauty of the countryside. South Derbyshire District Council's local plan has been recognised / promoted as being consistent with this principle. The proposed development would lead to an extension of the ribbon along this part of Manchester Lane, taking the development outside the envelope of this country village and would result in an harmful intrusion into the open countryside contrary to both the local plan and national policies.
2. Impact on national forest and natural environment - this proposed site is within the national forest area and would detrimentally impact on the natural habitats and wildlife in this location. Furthermore it would detrimentally impact on the views of the wider community and visitors who use a number of the national forest footpaths to the rear and sides of the proposed site.
3. Area of historic interest - the proposed development is in close proximity to a site of historic interest relating to the origins of the village name 'Hartshorne'.
4. Detrimental impact on current unobstructed views - in terms of the adjacent properties to the proposed development.
5. Impact on surrounding listed buildings - the proposed site detrimentally impacts on the protected views of both Manor Farmhouse and Hartshorne Parish Church which are both Grade II listed buildings. 6. Site access and egress - Manchester Lane is a narrow and winding country lane, with blind spots.
Furthermore near to the proposed site entrance there is no pavement for pedestrians; previous requests to Derbyshire County Council in this respect have been refused. There is also limited, poor street lighting. As holiday lets these properties will be occupied by visitors who will be totally unfamiliar with the locality and these associated hazards.
7. Lack of site management - the application suggests there is no on-site management, in terms of ensuring health and safety and other legislatory matters such as noise etc. are not breached.
Finally the Parish Council are also aware of the strong objections of the residents of Manchester Lane and support their objections.
Cheq |
Payee |
In Respect of |
Amount |
103919/20 |
Staff Salaries and Expenses (part) |
Wages & Salaries - May |
534.86 |
103921 |
Hartshorne Charities |
Allotment field annual rent |
150.00 |
103922 |
DSK (Fabrication) Ltd |
Slide at Goseley recreation ground |
1740.00 |
103923 |
Goseley Community Centre |
Room Hire 15 May |
25.00 |
103924 |
Mrs J Storer |
Annual Internal Audit |
80.00 |
Direct Payments |
April Tax & NI |
200.25 |
Staff Salaries and Expenses (part) |
Wages & Salaries - May |
328.98 |
R Smith |
Additional keys for allotments |
7.98 |
Tolputt Keeton |
Printing newsletter |
155.00 |
a. Annual Accounts 2016/17 completion of audit The Clerk presented the accounts to be presented to the Auditors. The Chair signed the report
b. Recommendations of Internal Auditor a. The Internal Auditor gave a recommendation that the Risk Assessment Register is review RESOLVED Clerk to investigate a suitable replacement system.
c. DALC training for new Councillors at Hilon Village Hall Three Parish Councillors had agreed to go on the New Parish Councillors Seminar on 18 May, however due to lack of numbers the seminar was cancelled.
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Correspondence SDDC - Civic Council meeting 25 May at Town Hall, The Delph at 5.45 SDDC - Area Forum and Safer Neighbourhood Dates
DALC Circulars Circular 6 - Contents - Devolution of Services to Parishes: What you need to consider General Election and Purdah Commission on the Future of Localism Neighbourhood Plan Examiners set for new Guidance Village of the Year 2017 Consultation on Park Runs
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Meeting closed at 8.35 p.m. |
Date of Next Meeting - Monday 19 June 2017 - Kendricks Close, Hartshorne. Meeting starts at 7.00.pm.
Signed .. Dated ......