South Derbyshire District Council
Minutes of the Parish Council Meeting
Monday 12 October 2020
Via video Link (Zoom)
PRESENT – Councillors A Jones,(Chair), Mrs S Sharland, N Jenkinson, D West, Mrs J Burley Mrs J Slawson, and Mrs N Landsborough.
APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE – Councillors Mrs M Mycock, R Bell, P Smith, Mrs K Coe, G Tubey and P Redfern, District Councillors Taylor and Dawson and County Councillor Mrs L Chilton
ALSO PRESENT - R Smith (Clerk)
Ordinary Parish Meeting
District Council Reports: |
1. District Councillor Gee informed the meeting that further discussions are to continue with Granville School and SDDC Planning Dept.over the school’s refusal to have a rear entrance onto the Broomy Farm development. Councillor Mrs Landsborough asked if a perimeter path could be created as an alternative. |
County Council reports: 2. County Councillor Mrs L Chilton had not submitted a report. |
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Minutes of the Ordinary Meeting on held on 14 September. (Held by Video Link (Zoom)
The minutes were approved as a correct record and signed by the Chairman. |
Matters Arising - There were no matters arising from the meeting |
Any member to declare an interest None |
Items for Exemption |
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Police Matters 1. Dates for ‘Popup sign ups’ 5 October at Goseley Stores. 2. There is a new list of officers patrolling the area.
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Matters Arising |
1. Clerk had circulated a current Outstanding matters report (see attached) 2. Advertising of Post of Lengthsman a. The Clerk had recently circulated a draft Job Vacancy advert plus a Job Description and Persons Specification. RESOLVED Clerk to advertise the Post of Lengthsman in all appropriate places 3. It was agreed to contribute a £100.00 voucher towards Gordon Watts retirement present RESOLVED Clerk to purchase a £100.00 voucher from Bretby Garden Centre 4. Advertising vacancy of Parish Councillor for Lower Midway Ward (2) a. The Clerk reported that the vacant post (2) of Parish Councillors has been advertised on the Parish Web site and on all noticeboards 5. Neighbourhood Plan (Councillor Mrs Slawson) a. Councillor Mrs Slawson asked if the Parish had considered producing a Neighbourhood Plan. This was discussed several years ago but it was agreed that it was expensive and very time consuming. However, the Clerk agreed to look at the possibility again and report back to a future meeting. 6. Councillor Mrs Burley asked if an additional waste bin can be provided at Goseley Stores RESOLVED Clerk to contact SDDC. |
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Highways, Pavements and Public Footpaths 1. Culvert at Ticknall Road a. The Clerk informed the meeting that DCC had now repaired the Culvert 2. SDDC – Proposing ‘ FOX MEWS/ GARDENS/GROVE/PLACE RESOLVED that Fox Close is the preferred option 3. Emails from Councillor S Taylor a. The comments from District Councillor Taylor were noted 4. Broomy Farm – F/p 13 near to Woodville Road RESOLVED Clerk to contact Bellway 5. Councillor Mrs Burley asked if SDDC can be contacted about the fencing at The Cutting. RESOLVED Clerk to contact SDDC.
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Parish Newsletter and website 1. A discussion took place on the requirements of a new Hartshorne Parish Council web site ensuring it complies with recent legislation. RESOLVED a working group including N Jenkinson, S Sharland, P Smith and D West was agreed to discuss requirements of a new site. Local sites to be looked at include Repton and Ticknall. |
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Recreation Grounds and Allotments 1. The Clerk reported that there had been problems at Dunsmore Way recreation ground. Following discussions with Chris Smith it was agreed a new lock should be put on the inner gate and the Police should be informed of the problems with the sub-station on Dunsmore Way. 2. The Clerk reported that there had been problems with the lock at the allotments. RESOLVED Clerk to purchase a new lock and keys. |
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Reports from Outside Bodies 1. Councillor Jenkinson reported that the Charities were still considering applications for educational grants outside their normal committee Rota.
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Planning Matters
There were no planning matters |
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Finance and Administration
October Payments
1. Annual Audit Report 2019/20. The Clerk reported that the Annual Audit had been cleared by the Auditors, PKF Litttlejohn LLP. There was a comment that our reserves are high and the Parish Council should consider reductions in the Parish Precept (NOTE- The Clerk pointed out that this is not possible as the receipts that form our Reserves are mainly from Capital receipts and therefore can only be spent on Capital investment (e.g. play equipment) |
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Correspondence |
General Correspondence · DCC – Lamp Post Poppies RESOLVED to erect poppies on lamp posts similar to last year · SDDC – Removal of pay Phone at Goseley Avenue. RESOLVED to request BT to remove pay phone at Goseley Avenue
DALC Circulars No. 6 External Audit News · Neighbourhood Planning Support Grant · Section 137 Allowance for 2018-19 · GDPR Update · Updated Model Standing Orders and Legal Topic Notes 1,2,5,8, and 87 · Free Webinar: ‘Community Organising’ Training 24 the April · Circular No. 04/2018 To all Member Town and Parish Councils and Parish Meetings GENERAL CIRCULAR
In this Circular: DALC Circulars DALC – AGM 20 October via Zoom
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Meeting Closed at 8.45 pm |
Date of Next meeting 9 November starting at 7.00 via video link (Zoom)
Signed………………………………………… Date………………………………………………….