Minutes of the ordinary meeting of Hartshorne Parish Council held at

7.00 pm on Monday, 9th October 2023 7pm at Hartshorne Cricket Club


Present: Councillors J Seaton (Chair), K Coe, P Redfern, C Rogers, J Burley, N Landsborough, G Tubey


Parish Clerk, A Barnes


In attendance: Cllr Gee


1 member of the public


Cllr Seaton welcomed everyone to the meeting.


284/2023            Public participation

A local resident reported the following:


285/2023            To receive reports from the Police Liaison Officer, County Councillors and District Council Members

County Council

Written report sent in Cllr Mullers absence:

The road closure that has already advised from Repton to Hartshorne on the 30th October. Cllr Muller is trying to find out if this includes repairs to the speed bumps at the Hartshorne end.

On the downside it has been announced that a £46m deficit has been reported by Derbyshire County Council. High inflation has impacted on the demand for Council services, particularly in the case of Adult Social Care and Childrens services. These are publicised figures for the first quarter of the year but there are concerns going forward and decisive action will be taken to control costs.


District Council


286/2023            Apologies

Cllr Archer

Cllr Jones

Cllr Bigg

Cllr Slawson

Cllr Taylor

Cllr Muller


287/2023            Variation to the order of business



288/2023            Declaration of members interests

Cllr Burley Goseley Community Centre

Cllr Landsborough allotments

Cllr Seaton speedwatch expenses


289/623             To confirm the minutes of the meeting of the Council held on 11th September 2023

RESOLVED: Minutes agreed as a true record and signed by the Chair.  All Cllrs agreed.


290/2023            Recreation Grounds


7a Recreational Grounds – Sailsbury Drive Lease.  Resolved all Cllrs agree to decline renewal of the lease.

Community payback – Cllr Burley met with the team to discuss work.  Agreed to paint the changing rooms, cut the hedges and tidy up the carpark.  Resolved Cllrs agree to the work at the changing rooms and cutting the hedge, and request from Tree and Garden services for a quote at the carpark.  Clerk to order paint etc and skip.

7b Football pitches – Motorcycle damage at Goseley, reported to police.  Football match was able to go ahead.

7c Trim Trail equipment – Meeting taking place on the 17th October.  Quote sent from Kopman.


291/2023            Clerks report and Action Log

a.     Goseley Bus Service – no update

b.     Leawood Valley – no update

c.     Shared agreement SID Ticknall – Resolved clerk to contact DCC again.

d.     Clerk confirmed the Risk Assessment, Standing Order, Financial Regulations, and all other parish council policies have been sent to Cllrs.  Resolved that all Cllrs accept and adopt the documents.

e.     The lack of police liaison attendance at parish council meetings was discussed and concerns they are not visible in the area.  Resolved Clerk to contact police to request attendance or written report

f.      Clarification of committee members to committees

Finance              Chair, Vice Chair, Cllr Landsborough, Cllr Tubey and Cllr Jones

Recreation         Chair, Vice Chair, Mrs J Slawson, Mrs J Burley, Mrs N Landsborough.

Allotment           Chair, Vice Chair, Mrs J Slawson, Mrs C Rogers, Mrs N Landsborough.

g.     Cllr Seaton reported there is training for Cllrs available and encouraged all to book.

h.     Goseley Community Centre are requesting 106 money for the installation in the roof and the due process is to make the parish council aware and request support for the application?  Resolved All Cllrs support the development of the 106 application and agree to pay for planning at a cost of £462 for storage.

i.       Resolved clerk to request a wreath from the royal British Legion plus a donation of £50

  1. Cllr Seaton confirmed Cllr Mycock’s funeral is taking place on Wednesday.  Resolved all Cllrs agree to a donation of £50 to Derbyshire and Rutland Air Ambulance.


292/2023            Planning Applications


DMPN/2023/1129 Certificate of Lawfulness for proposed single storey rear extension at 81 Woodville Road, Hartshorne, Swadlincote, DE11 7ET – no observation

DMPA/2023/1243 Approval of reserved matters for plot 3 (appearance, landscaping, biodiversity enhancement, layout, car parking and scale) pursuant to outline permission ref. DMPA/2021/0983 at Land to the rear of 69a and 69b, Repton Road, Hartshorne – Resolved clerk to request an extension from SDDC


 Planning Decisions

DMPA/2023/1042 The erection of single storey rear extension, full width box dormer and new detached single garage at 16 Repton Road, Hartshorne – approved

DMOT/2023/0869 The approval of details reserved by condition 7 (boundary fencing) relating to planning permission ref. DMPA/2021/1098 at 2 The Limes, Woodville Road, Hartshorne – approved


293/2023            Highways and Public Footpath

The Derbyshire County Council (Public Footpath No. 35 (part) – Parish of Hartshorne) Public Path Diversion Order 2023 – DCC confirmed the order is still going ahead.  Resolved Clerk to make Cllr Muller aware the Parish Council do not support.

Clerk confirmed proposed road closures for High Street, Main Street, Hartshorne Road, Repton - 23.10.2023 to 31.10.2023, Repton Road, Bretby -  01.11.2023 to 05.11.2023 Repton Road, Hartshorne - 06.11.2023 to 10.11.2023.

Cllr Rogers asked if anyone is aware of the work going on behind the Mill Wheel.  Resolved Cllr Coe to ask local resident.

Cllr Burley at 26 Brookdale Road, tree overhanging.  Resolved Clerk to report to the owner.

Cllr Seaton reported speedwatch is on hold due to roadworks.  Cllr Coe reported speedwatch us unable to take place after the end of October.  To review in 2024.

Resolved footpaths number 24 – 25 are inaccessible, clerk to report to DCC

Resolved the footpath at Pear Tree to Brook Street clerk to report to DCC

Resolved dog fouling issues, clerk to report to the clean team

Resolved clerk to request lengthman litter picks Ticknall Road to Cole Lane.

Resolved clerk to request an update from SDDC planning regarding the local plan.


294/2023           Website and Communications

Resolved Clerk to request webmaster adds minutes to the website as soon as possible and publish meeting dates


295/2023            Allotments

Resolved clerk to arrange a committee meeting


296/2023            Finance


Current bank balance £29994.05


October payments




Clerk and Lengthman salary July




Electricity for Goseley




Water for Goseley



Hartshorne Cricket Club

Hire of hall



Blooming Gardens

Cutting of pitches




Play area inspections



J Seaton

Speedwatch expenses



Payments received

297/2023 Speed Indicator Device Guidance

Cllr Seaton reported the form sent from DCC was difficult to complete. Resolved Cllr Seaton and Cllr Tubey to complete the Sandcliffe Road site forms, Cllr Coe and Burley on Hartshorne Road and Woodville Road.  All forms to be completed as far as possible by all parties and forwarded to the clerk who will forward to DCC.


298/2023 Date of Next meeting


             13th November 2023 7pm at Goseley Community Centre


Meeting closed at 20.10pm





Parish Council Chairman……………………………………..    Date………………………….