Minutes of the annual meeting of Hartshorne Parish Council held at

7.00 pm on Monday, 10th June 2024 at Goseley Community Centre


Present: Councillors J Seaton, (Chair), N Landsborough, G Tubey, K Coe, J Burley, A Jones, P Smith, C Rogers, P Redfern, J Slawson

Parish Clerk, A Barnes


In attendance:

Cllr Muller

Cllr Taylor

Cllr Archer


No member of the public


36/2024              Public participation



37/2024              To receive reports from the County Councillors and District Council Members

County Council

Cllr Muller reported the following:


District Council


38/2023              Apologies

                           Cllr Gee


39/2024 Co-option of Councillor(s)

The Council resolved to co-opt Mr Colin Stevens to the Parish Council. Mr Stevens signed the acceptance of office and took his place alongside the Councillors.


40/2024 Variation to the order of business



41/2024 Declaration of members interests

                           Cllr Jones confirmed any matters relating to planning.

Cllr’s Landsborough, Jones and Burley Goseley Community Centre

                           Cllr Landsborough allotments

                           Cllr Seaton speed watch


42/2024             To confirm the minutes of the meeting of the Council held on 13th May 2024

RESOLVED: Cllr Smith proposed, and Cllr Coe seconded and the minutes were agreed as a true record apart from Cllr Rogers not Cllr Roberts, signed by the Chair.  


43/2024 Recreation Grounds

7a Recreational Grounds – Clerk confirmed the yearly ROSPA Play inspection has taken place, few medium risks identified which have been sent to SDDC for quoting.

7c Football pitches – Clerk confirmed SDDC were responsible for moving of the pitches

7d Trim Trail equipment – Cllr Coe confirmed she would review the updated funding application for S106. 


44/2024 Clerks report and Action Log


Clerk reported the following.

·       Shared agreement SID Hartshorne – Cllr Seaton confirmed himself and Cllr Smith had met with Tree and Garden services who is happy to move the new SID, the old SID requires a basic electrical qualification to move.  Resolved Cllr Smith to chase Tree and Garden services

·       Register of fixed assets.  Resolved Cllrs agree to changes

·       Parish & Town Council Liaison Forum: Highways Development Control online meeting 20th June.  Resolved Cllr Coe to attend

·       DCC Boundary review, email sent to Cllrs for comment

·       Summer activities 2024 posters and leaflets have been distributed.

·       Pre-election information has been sent to Cllrs

·       New noticeboards for the parish.  Cllrs to send Clerk measurements for one at the Goseley Shop, Midway and the allotments. 


45/2024 Planning Applications

No planning applications


 Planning Decisions


46/2024 Highways and Public Footpaths

·       Cllr Landsborough reported that the hedgerow at Main Street is overgrown.  Resolved Clerk to write to householders requesting cutback

·       Cllr Slawson reported several potholes have been filled in at Manchester Lane but not all.

·       Cllr Slawson also reported that right at the end of the junction of Manchester Lane and Health Lane a one bar wooden fence was previously put up which the parish council objected too however, a beech tree was added instead and is obstructing the view.  Grass is also high at the triangle section which impedes the view. Resolved Clerk to write to home holder requesting beech is cut back (Beech House) and contact Blooming Gardens to cut the triangle section.

·       Cllr Rogers reported that cones had been left on Manchester Lane.  Resolved Cllr Rogers to contact Clean Team

·       Cllr Smith raised a complaint received regarding an overgrown hedge at Brook Street/Gravel Pit Lane.  Resolved clerk to report to Highways.

·       Cllr Stevenson asked what is happening with the road at the new housing development at Broomy Farm.  There are no give way signs and the road is being used by vehicles.  Is it still a construction site?  Cllr Taylor reported it is still a construction site until work it is completed.  Developers have a responsibility with the road safety on site, unless it is a private road.  DCC Highways will take responsibility of the road when it is up to a good standard.  Resolved Parish Council to write to developers to raise concerns and lack of give way signs. 

·       Cllr Seaton reported footpath number 62 and 63 are clear until a certain point. Resolved clerk to report to DCC

·       Cllr Seaton reported 4 speed watches have taken place.  Equipment has gone to another parish; would the parish consider purchasing their own?  Areas can be extended if more residents volunteer.  Resolved Cllr Seaton to contact the police for further clarification regarding expanding the areas, equipment and training. Clerk to write to the new PCC asking for support in purchasing and maintaining equipment.


47/2024             Website and Communications

Finance information has been added to the website.


48/2024 Allotments       

Cockerel is being rehomed following complaint from local resident.

Cllr Slawson reported she has had a walk around the allotments which looks a lot better however, the first plot on the right looks awful, could it be used as a half plot?  Not possible due to flooding.  Resolved get quote from Tree and Gardens and another layer on car park.


49/2024 Finance


June payments


Current balance as at 1st June 2024 £17038.87




Clerk and Lengthman salary April



Goseley Community Centre

Hire of hall








Goseley pavilion electricals




Operational inspection May



Playsafe Ltd

ROSPA Play inspection



Cllr Seaton

Chair expenses



RESOLVED All Cllrs agreed to the payments above


50/2024 SID


Clerk confirmed no update.  Resolved clerk to chase.  Cllr Smith to chase licence with R Handbury.


15th July 2024 7pm at Hartshorne Cricket Club

Meeting closed at 8.05pm





Parish Council Chairman……………………………………..    Date………………………….