Minutes of the parish meeting of Hartshorne Parish Council held at

7.00 pm on Monday, 11th November 2024 at Goseley Community Centre


Present: Councillors J Seaton, (Chair), N Landsborough, G Tubey, K Coe, A Jones, J Burley, C Rogers, C Stevens, P Smith, J Slawson


Parish Clerk: A Barnes

County Council: D Muller

District Council: S Taylor, A Archer


In attendance:


0 members of the public


94/2024              Public participation


95/2024              To receive reports from the County Councillors and District Council Members

County Council

Cllr Muller reported the following:


District Council

Cllr Archer reported the following:

·       Number of emails received regarding SEND and the NHS.

·       Very good turnout for the remembrance service

·       11th December Charity Christmas concert, £10 per ticket

·       30th November Swadlincote Christmas light switch on

·       Cllr Smith asked if the district councillors could clear up the confusion regarding the area forums.  When is the next area forum and why has no communication been sent regarding the last 2 meetings.  Cllr Taylor will investigate and communicate back to the parish council. 

·       Cllr Taylor reported that he is a member of the freeport board and is unable to disclose any information however, SDDC are keen to start the project.

·       New power lines, National Grid consultation completed, SDDC objected.

·       Cllr Burley reported that several bins have been taken away.  Cllr Taylor will chase and update.

·       Cllr Smith asked if it is a conscious decision for SDDC to remove the bins?  Not just happening in Hartshorne.  Cllr Taylor confirmed it is not the case regarding cost.


96/2023              Apologies

None received


97/2024 Variation to the order of business


98/2024 Declaration of members interests

                           Cllr Jones confirmed any matters relating to planning

Cllr’s Landsborough, Burley and Jones Goseley Community Centre

                           Cllr Landsborough allotments

                           Cllr Seaton speed watch

                           Cllr Jones SDDC payments

                           Cllr Jones Eureka Primary School


99/2024             To confirm the minutes of the meeting of the Council held on 14th October, Finance meeting on the 14th October and the allotment meeting held on the 30th October 2024

RESOLVED: Cllr Tubey proposed, and Cllr Landsborough seconded the minutes were agreed as a true record and signed by the chair apart from Woodville Rangers not Grangers.


100/2024            Recreation Grounds

7a Recreational Grounds         

·       New sign quoted for Main Street £210.  Resolved Cllr Smith to get a further quote

·       Wet pour quote to be reviewed in the new financial year

·       Cllr Jones raised the informal car park at Mount Road, unsecured metal gate has been removed.  Resolved Cllr Smith to get quote


101/2024            Clerks report and Action Log

·       DALC newsletter – sent to Cllrs

·       Waste and dog bins prices discussed. Resolved review in the new financial year

·       Finance regulations to be approved.  Resolved Cllrs agree to adopt new financial regulations

·       Sexual harassment policy. Resolved Cllrs agree to adopt the policy

·       South Derbyshire District Council Flood Liaison Meeting @ Thu Nov 21, 2024 10am - 12pm


102/2024            Planning Applications


DMPA/2024/1090 The installation of a first floor balcony with stair access at Leawood Cottage, 580 Burton Road, Midway – no observations


Planning Reference CD9/0624/9 at Eureka Primary School, Dunsmore Way, Midway, Swadlincote – no observations


Planning Decisions


103/2024            Highways and Public Footpaths

·       Clerk confirmed she is awaiting a quote for new noticeboards


104/2024           Website and Communications

No update


105/2024            Allotments           

Resolved Cllrs agree to recommendations following the allotment meeting to send letter to allotment holders with changes and inspection date in May.

Resolved that clerk to request Tree and Garden recommend work on flooded area and quotes

Plot number 21 asking if it would be possible to take on the rear half of the plot next to his to plant some fruit trees.  Resolved Cllrs agree to request.  Tenancy agreement to be changed to highlight trees can be planted with permission.


106/2024            Finance


November payments

Current balance as at 1st November 2024




Clerk and Lengthman salary Nov



Goseley Community Centre

Hire of hall












Operational inspection Oct



A Barnes

Reimbursement of McAfee



B Watts

Reimbursement of keys



Royal British Legion




Royal British Legion

Purchase of poppies




Purchase and delivery of SID


RESOLVED All Cllrs agreed to the payments above


Money received


BP        SDDC                             Interest from investment fund                                 £1581.91


July – Sept 24 bank reconciliation, budget and minutes were sent to Cllrs prior to the meeting.  Resolved Cllrs agree to recommendations regarding budget increase.


107/2024            SID

Cllr Smith confirmed he had looked at posts on Ticknall Road and identified.  Sandcliffe Road requires new post £200 at previous location.  Cllr Jones proposed, and Cllr Tubey seconded. Resolved clerk to contact Kiwa to request a structural test and order the post from DCC.

Resolved Grant agreement signed by the chair on behalf of the parish council

Resolved DCC consent form signed by the chair on behalf of the parish council


108/2024            Hartshorne Cricket Club and Goseley Community Centre donation


Resolved Cllrs agree to donations to Hartshorne Cricket club and Goseley community centre, S137 budget increased to £18200.


109/2024            Clerk and lengthman pay review


National increase for the rates of pay of Clerks wage RESOLVED Cllr approve pay increase as per recommendations. 


2nd December 2024 7pm at Goseley Community Centre

Meeting closed at 8.06pm





Parish Council Chairman……………………………………..    Date………………………….