Minutes of the annual meeting of Hartshorne Parish
Council held at
7.00 pm on Monday, 16th September
2024 at Goseley Community Centre
Councillors J Seaton, (Chair), N Landsborough, G Tubey, K Coe, A Jones, J
Burley, C Rogers, C Stevenson, Cllr Slawson
Parish Clerk: A Barnes
members of the public
65/2024 Public
A resident discussed Lee Wood Valley as
a local community asset and confirmed that he was in litigation with SDDC, the first
hearing is on October 25th. Resident is
requesting information from the parish council in regards to
this matter.
A resident raised his concerns regarding
the amount of litter and dog mess on Woodville Road, waste bins were corroded
and SDDC removed with no replacements.
Cllr Taylor confirmed he would review.
The chair from Hartshorne Cricket Club
confirmed they have put a funding bid in for extra work at site and is requesting
a donation from the parish council.
Council Cllr Muller was
unable to attend the meeting but provided a report.
Muller report
I have attended an initial briefing meeting to
discuss the proposed high voltage power lines from Chesterfield to Willington.
There will be a Consultation but it seems the
preferred routing will be along the East side of Derby and back along the A50
corridor into Willington. This could include Aston on Trent, Weston on Trent
and Findern.
I understand there will be approx. 180
new pylons along the 60 k route some being twice
the height of existing pylons !
We are still at early days of the project and the New Administration in Westminster have still to make the final decision. The consultation finishes on the 16th Sept.24
The Freeport is now proceeding ( slowly ) with a decision made to de commission Ratcliffe
Power Station in the next few weeks. The site will be transformed into a High Tech Industrial Area and possibly a Commercial Hydrogen
Production plant. The second phase at East Midlands Airport is at the planning
stage with some resistance from the village of Diseworth objecting
to the land usage between their village and the M1 Motorway. The
area by the A50 at Toyota is still being discussed with some plans for a Rail
Head Junction being constructed at the A38/ Toyota end of the site.
Again they are a long way off making any final decisions about this final Freeport area.
Derbyshire has just started a trial of a new
type of pothole repairing material. They are using Roadmender Asphalt
which is produced in Sheffield . The repair material
has a high recycled rubber content ( from old
HGV tyres ) and is more elastic than traditional asphalt. The material
can be applied direct into roads in need of repair and creates a waterproof top
We are now issuing Gold Card Companion bus
passes for people who need assistance when travelling in and around Derbyshire.
Another person can travel for free with the eligible disabled person.
information is on the Derbyshire web site.
I think locally all the Pot
holes, overgrown pathways and hedges have been reported and reference
numbers obtained. I know how frustrating some progress is
but I will keep pressing Matlock when necessary.
Cllr Archer reported that they had been on the summer
break and there was not much to report. The
chair held a civic event at the church and the Shardlow canal festival has
taken place along with Heritage weekend and Melbourne festival.
Cllr Muller
Cllr Smith
68/2024 Variation to the order
of business
69/2024 Declaration of members interests
Jones confirmed any matters relating to planning.
Cllrs Landsborough and Jones Goseley
Community Centre
Landsborough allotments
Seaton speed watch
Jones SDDC payments and Lee Wood Valley
70/2024 To confirm
the minutes of the meeting of the Council held on 15th July and the
extra ordinary meeting held on the 12th
August 2024
71/2024 Recreation Grounds
7a Recreational Grounds Mount Road fence requires fixing. Cllrs Burley, Tubey and Seaton will be meeting onsite to discuss.
Football pitches Woodville invoiced for Goseley pitch hire
7d Play
area equipment New place
equipment in place and insured.
72/2024 Clerks report and Action Log
· Shared
agreement SID Hartshorne. Ticknall
Parish council meeting takes place on the 17th
September. Resolved clerk to
request risk assessment from R1
· Goseley
Community Centre S106 application. Resolved
all Cllrs agreed to support the application
· Finance
regulations. New finance regulations
have been sent to the finance group for comment. Resolved Cllrs to review
· Hartshorne
Cricket club project requesting parish council donation. Cllr, Landsborough proposed, and Cllr Slawson
seconded and a vote took place however, no further
money will be available for the next 2 years.
Resolved parish council agree to the amount of £8000.00. Clerk to request SDDC draw down money from
investment fund.
· Parish
& Town Council Liaison Forum 15 October 2024.
snow scheme. For Cllr information
· Appointment
Of New Parish Representative to Hartshorne Charities due to Cllr Jones stepping
down. Resolved Cllr Coe to represent
· The
Derbyshire County Council (Main Street, Hartshorne) (No Stopping School Keep
Clear) Traffic Regulation Order 2024 came into force on the 9/9
· Clerk
mentioned Cllr Redferns sad passing and the chair noted his support to the
· Casual
vacancy to be advertised
· Polling District and Place Review Correction
· SNT update team update
73/2024 Planning Applications
DMPA/2024/1017 The erection of a two storey
side extension at 123 Woodville Road, Hartshorne, Swadlincote, DE11 7EX no
DMPA/2024/0866: The
Variation of Condition 1 (approved plans) of permission ref. DMPA/2020/0422 for
the approval of reserved matters (layout, scale, appearance and landscaping)
for erection of 148 dwellings along with creation of roads and public open
space pursuant to outline permission ref. 9/2016/0882 (phase 3) on Land at
Broomy Farm (east of Lincoln Way and Salisbury Drive), Woodville Road,
Hartshorne, Swadlincote Land at Broomy Farm (east of Lincoln Way and Salisbury
Drive), Woodville Road, Hartshorne, Swadlincote previous comments from
parish council remain the same.
DMPA/2024/1151 The variation of
condition no. 4 (materials) of permission ref. DMPA/2021/1098 for the Change of
use of land from agriculture and paddock area to Use Class C3 (Dwelling house),
and conversion of stables including demolition of hay barn, erection of single
storey extension and bat house with associated works at 2 The Limes, Woodville
Road, Hartshorne no observations
Prior Notification of single storey rear extension, with eaves of 2.45 metres
and maximum height of 2.95 metres extending 4.03 metres from the rear wall at
206 Woodville Road, Hartshorne no observations
Planning Decisions
Removal of existing detached garage/store room and the
erection of an extension to community centre to provide additional storage at
Goseley Community Centre, Hartshill Road, Hartshorne
Application to discharge conditions 4 (surfacing materials) and 5 (fencing) of
permission ref. DMPA/2024/0216 (Proposed 6.0m removable boundary net, tarmac
path in lieu of existing stone path, reclaimed slabbed path to front of club
house, proposed solar panels and tree planting to western boundary) at
Hartshorne Cricket Club, Rodney Meadows Ground, Main Street, Hartshorne Approved
Demolition of the existing dwelling and
associated outbuildings, and the erection of 54 dwellings, public open space,
landscaping, access, and associated works at Land At 97 Hartshorne Road,
Woodville, Swadlincote, DE11 7HY planning committee meeting has taken place
refused at planning committee meeting
74/2024 Highways and
Public Footpaths
· Cllr Stevenson raised
concerns regarding inadequate visibility when coming out of Goseley Avenue. Resolved clerk to raise with Cllr
Muller and buses
· Cllr Slawson reported
the hedge at Manchester Lane side is a concern due to visability. Resolved clerk to write to resident.
· Cllr Rogers reported
that the new equipment was put in at Main Street. Resident reported that a private road
belonged to them and people are walking over their private road and they have to pay for public liability insurance. No responsibility for the parish
council. Resolved parish council
to write to resident
· Cllr Seaton confirmed speedwatch training is taking place next month
Nothing to report
Tree and
Garden have quoted for taking fence out and refitting, filling in large hole,
strimming back of grass and scrape off all ground so it looks ready to go and
put a soak away trench in - £650 plus vat.
Parish council agreed that a meeting is required to discuss work and
tenants on the allotment.
Resolved Cllr Seaton to arrange a face-to-face allotment
committee meeting.
77/2024 Finance
balance as at 1st September 2024 £59,942.27
BP |
Clerk and Lengthman
salary Aug |
£1183.40 |
BP |
Clerk and Lengthman
salary Sept |
£1368.80 |
BP |
Goseley Cricket club
Hire of hall |
£25.00 |
BP |
Waterplus |
Goseley |
£59.85 |
BP |
Goseley |
£42.79 |
BP |
Operational inspection Aug |
£211.16 |
BP |
Zurich Ins |
Extra play equipment |
£92.94 |
Community Centre |
Donation |
£10,000 |
Streetscape |
Play area equipment |
£30,000 |
RESOLVED All Cllrs agreed to the payments above
confirmed the April June bank reconciliation, minutes and cash book were sent
to the cllrs prior to the meeting. Resolved Cllrs approve
Cllr agreed
that August and September SDCVS invoice would be paid this month.
Resolved that
Cllr Seaton and Coe would complete HSBC signatory form
and any further signatories would be added at a later date.
Money received
BP SDDC Precept 2nd instalment £4903.50
78/2024 SID
Clerk confirmed the structural lighting testing has been
completed. Risk assessment required. Resolved clerk to review information
required from DCC.
October 2024 7pm at Goseley
Community Centre
Meeting closed at 8.00pm
Council Chairman
.. Date